
Anirudh Mayaram Foundation is a Society registered under the Registration of Societies Act. It is recognized as a charitable institution under section 12 (A) and Section 80 G of the Income Tax Act. The objectives of the Foundation are:

  • To create institutions which encourage excellence in all fields of human activities.
  • To provide scholarships, fellowships and special grants for the needy students to pursue higher studies or studies in specialized fields.
  • To provide fellowships for pursuing research in specialized fields, which are of social relevance such as the human rights and gender issues.
  • To provide forum for discussion on issues of interest for development of international goodwill and alleviation of suffering everywhere.
  • To encourage growth of leadership qualities and inculcate values of humanism in young men and women everywhere.
  • To institute awards for recognizing achievement in different fields, including sports.
  • To examine laws and legal frameworks that are necessary to further the value of human life and well being
  • All other activities that fulfill the broad principles enumerated above.